This is a favourite brand of ours as the horses are small and lightweight with a short stick. They are not so small that they look like a child's play thing - but they are small enough that a small child could handle them and we for one can put them in a suitcase when we go on holiday. None of our other horses fit, except for a baby Buckberry.
I for one LOVE the shiny coats and signature eyes and distinctive shape that are the trade mark of this well established Polish brand.
Hobby Horse Adventures take the hassle out of the importing for you and the unpredictable delivery and customs charges.
£90 at shows, or £100 delivered to a UK Mainland address.
Pre-book for shows by emailing and I will send payment link.
I am so excited to be stocking this new item as they fit nicely in between our budget economical horses and our collectable luxury items. So now we have a range suitable for everyone. I think they are a bargain at £90 and they are a firm favourite of mine for using jumping high at Hobby Horse Competitions in the UK. Our Hobby Horses are all purchased for different reasons but all for Hobby Horse Jumping.
Poland is one of the places that Hobby Horsing is most popular and Hobby Horse Competitors there feed into the Finland Championship each year. Many of us Hobby Horse Enthusiasts purchase our horses from Poland as there are so few UK sellers. We certainly have one and Elowen's friends have them and I see them at our competitions. We are so pleased to now be a UK stockist of this popular Polish brand and take the headache out of importing for you.
The Liver Chestnut is an unusual colour and I have n’t seen any like it with other brands!
We stock several different colours and will continue to build our collection. If there are any you want importing let me know, if we don't currently stock it.
Come use it at one of our events!
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